Monday 20 March 2023

Marcus Rashford - Language and Representations

 1) Make two lists - one of website conventions used on Marcus Rashford's official website and one of social media conventions found on Rashford's Twitter or Instagram pages. 

logo brand identity 


2) How does his website promote the Marcus Rashford brand?

he successfully influenced government policy  

3) What is the first page you see when you visit Marcus Rashford's website and how does this promote his brand and good causes?

the first page I see when I visit his website is all about him  

4) How does Marcus Rashford use his social media profiles to promote his brand and campaigns? Give at least three examples of different posts / images / design from his social media. 

use instagram highlights, he use instagram to promote hiss to young audience, 

5) How does Marcus Rashford's online presence use genre and narrative to create a positive brand identity?

he works with charities such as UNICEF and fareshare where he fights problems. 

1) How does Rashford use different aspects of mise-en-scene (e.g. clothes/costume) to create very different representations of himself on his own website?

he is wearing a well tailored navy blue suit instead of his red Jersey.

2) What representations of football or footballers can you find in Marcus Rashford's online presence? Does it reinforce or subvert traditional stereotypes of footballers?

Marcus Rashford shows a different type of footballers because he talks about mental health 

3) What examples can you find of website pages, social media posts or aspects of the brand that create a positive representation of Marcus Rashford? You may wish to comment on his discussion of family or his campaigns - his page on the FareShare campaign website may help with this question.

He has brown skin but  hes from mansatr noblley he dont get perst

4) What representations of masculinity can you find in Marcus Rashford's online presence? Does this reinforce or challenge traditional gender stereotypes?

5) What representations of race/ethnicity can you find in his website or social media? Does this reinforce or challenge media stereotypes? 

Monday 13 March 2023

Introduction to OSP: Influencers blog tasks

 1) What years did YouTube, Twitter and Instagram launch?

 YouTube in 2005, Twitter in 2006, and in 2010, Instagram
a person or thing that influences another.

2) What is the definition of an influencer?

3) Give an example of an influencer and how many followers they have. Try and add some additional information, brand associations or other statistics if you can.

she has 136 million followers; 

4) How big is the influencer industry according to the article?

Very. By the end of 2019,

5) What are the problems associated with being an influencer?

It has also been accused of propagating an unrealistic version of beauty.

6) Why is it suggested that audiences actually like being sold products by influencers?

7) What representation of beauty is often found on Instagram or other influencer sites?

8) What is YOUR opinion on influencers? Are they a positive or negative influence on our society and culture? Why?

Monday 6 March 2023

 i agree and disagree with the statement because LC is very strong physieally  successful in her job +very intelligent